This is a recap of our Partner NGS Crypto, who are Australia’s Blockchain Mining Specialists.
April was yet another successful month for NGS Crypto and all of our members. We have made some exciting developments this month.
Updates To The NGS Crypto Dashboard
30 days before each IMA is due for expiration a notification will appear on your dashboard.
For those members who choose to reinvest via their NGS Crypto Dashboard prior to their IMA expiry, will receive a loyalty bonus.
Loyalty Bonus
We highly value our members at NGS Crypto, and have introduced our new Loyalty Bonus Reward for members who choose to reinvest with us.
This is a great way to show our valued members that we appreciate their ongoing loyalty and support.

All members will be able to add an additional IMA through their own NGS Crypto Dashboard following the easy payment options.
2,3 and 5-Year Packages
We have recently introduced our new NGS Crypto 2, 3 and 5 year IMA package options, this ensures that our members have greater flexibility within their investment with NGS Crypto.
If you wish to talk to Australia’s leading and most trusted Digital Asset Mining service about how you can safely break into the crypto market, contact us today for a free, over the phone appointment with one of our NGS Crypto experts.

Stay up to date with NGS Crypto

Australia’s leading Digital Asset Mining specialists, providing a safe, stable and reliable investment vehicle. Hundreds of everyday Australians are taking advantage of the NGS Crypto service, entering into the digital asset mining space and making returns between 10% – 15% ROI p/a.