Bitcoin Data Gold Market Analysis

Bitcoin’s Annual Growth Rate was 196% for Past 10 Years vs Gold, S&P 500 and Stocks

A chart published by Case Bitcoin shows Bitcoin’s 10-year Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) is 196% compared to Gold which is only 2%.

The CAGR metric is calculated by taking an asset’s ROI between two dates, and works out the average compounded annual return.

Obviously the Bitcoin returns look staggering compared to the other markets as Bitcoin would have tripled your money every year since it was created.

The results are even more impressive when you compare the recent years due to the consistent returns even as the marketcap grows larger.

This shows bitcoin’s Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) vs other assets over various timeframes. For example this is showing that bitcoin has returned 155% on average, every year, for the past 5 years, while gold has returned 7% on average each year over the same period.

Cryptocurrencies Data Surveys

Survey Shows 49% of Money Invested into Bitcoin Would Have Gone into Stocks

A recent Twitter survey by Michael Saylor, with over 62,000 answers, shows the percentage breakdown of investor capital by markets that was invested into cryptocurrencies.

In other words, this means that the 49% money would have been invested into the stock market, if cryptocurrencies was not an option. With 22% into Gold, 19% into Property and the remaining 10% into Bonds.

Some investors replied, such as Spencer Schiff, Son of Gold Investments Advocate and Crypto Critic Peter Schiff stating the money would have gone into Gold and Silver.

Bitcoin Data Market Analysis

Bitcoin Price Correlates to FED Printing Balance Sheet

A bullish chart by Plan BTC shows that there is a positive correlation between the Bitcoin price and the stimulus being printed by the Federal Reserve and European Central Bank.

Since COVID the FED has added over $3.5 trillion dollars to their balance sheet (pushing the red line directly upwards on the chart), this indicates that if this correlation continues, then Bitcoin would reach over $650,000 (as the blue line catches up to the red line) and could even reach $1 Million.

Bitcoin Price vs FED+ECB Balance Sheet Graph