A new report has found the estimated number of daily active users on the Solana blockchain has surged around 300 percent since the last network update in September 2021.

The report from OurNetwork – a substack newsletter that covers the Solana ecosystem – used Solana’s unique daily active signers figure as a proxy for daily active users: this figure peaked at 299,000 in late January but has since dropped off to around 232,000.
Unique signers peaked at 299,000 in late January, but tapered off a bit to 232,000 after the network’s most recent bout with degraded performance. Solana’s long-term uptrend has recently been bolstered by its two top wallets – Solflare and Phantom – launching their own iOS mobile apps, along with strong consumer participation in the Solana NFT market.
OurNetwork report
Solana Ecosystem Sees Sustained Growth
This increase in Solana daily active signers follows a general long-term uptrend in usage of the blockchain since mid-2021. The NFT market in particular has been a strong driver of growth for Solana. Since the June 2021 launch of the Metaplex protocol, the number of unique NFT owners on the network has grown from 28,000 to almost 2.5 million:

User Growth Despite Outages, Security Concerns
Somewhat surprisingly, the growth in Solana users continues fairly consistently despite relatively frequent and major disruptions to the network.
Already, in the first two months of 2022 Solana has seen multiple outages either due to DDoS attacks or the network being over-taxed by legitimate users.